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POSTED 8.5.2019

NWRA’s EU funding creates positive stories

Great stories need to be matched by great imagery for them to be seen and heard. Especially when it comes to sharing them on social media.

StoryLab has been working closely with the Northern and Western Regional Assembly (NWRA) to highlight the benefits EU funding has had on communities across Ireland.

We produced the stories and designed two #EUInMyRegion story books which covered 30 years of funding from the EU.

Our team of writers interviewed representatives from different organisations and businesses about how EU funding has helped them to reach their various goals.

What helped the stories stand out was the powerful imagery that highlighted the positive impact EU funding has had on Irish life.

StoryLab used these to create several branded images that communicate how EU funding has transformed different organisations as well as the knock-on effects in local communities.

These are currently being rolled out across the NWRA’s social media channels to promote the positive stories from the two books.

So far, the campaign has reached over 47,000 people across Twitter, Facebook and Instagram as businesses, organisations and community groups engage with the content.

The campaign is continuing throughout the next two months and you can read the stories by following the NWRA on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

For more info on how we can help you with your social media, visit our Social Media services page.