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POSTED 28.2.2018

How to make your opinion and influence count

Sometimes a brand or organisation has got to roll up its sleeves and get stuck in, to get its voice heard.

That’s definitely the case when there is a large news event which requires almost instant expert commentary and input.

The saying ‘if you’re not in, you can’t win’ can be applied to the news cycle when journalists and editors are looking for commentators to discuss a topic.

Fixed events in the calendar such as the Budget are good examples when you can put a spokesperson on standby to comment —the media has acres of space and airtime (it’s not all hot!) to fill. Let them know you are ready to get on the pitch.

It pays for brands and organisations to be ‘interview-ready’ —fully briefed and prepared to answer questions which may be soft or hostile depending on the circumstances of the story.

StoryLab works with Sustainable Nation Ireland, the not-for-profit body that promotes Ireland as a hub for green finance and sustainable investment.

When the Government recently launched its Project 2040 plan containing €22 billion in environmental and climate change measures, CEO Stephen Nolan was on hand to react quickly, giving commentary and opinion to the Irish Independent, Irish Examiner as well as fielding interview requests from Newstalk and other outlets.

His take was also included in an article published by Environmental Finance in London, a globally influential news service covering sustainable investment, green finance and the people and companies active in environmental market.

Similarly, key ATU Sligo staff and executives including president at the time Dr Brendan McCormack were prominent in media coverage around the launch, which the Institute hosted on February 16.

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